<script> var one_second = 1000; var one_minute = 1000 * 60; var one_hour = 1000 * 60 * 60; var one_day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; var one_month = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; var one_year = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12; function moo() { alert("wowowowow"); } function updated() { displayage(2010, 11, 26, 'days', 0, 'rounddown') setInterval("displayage(2010, 11, 26, 'days', 0, 'rounddown')",1000); //setInterval("moo()",5000) //displayage(2010, 11, 26, 'days', 0, 'rounddown'); //moo(); } function displayage(yr, mon, day, unit, decimal, round) { today = new Date(); var pastdate = new Date(yr, mon - 1, day); var countunit = unit; var decimals = decimal; var rounding = round; finalunit = (countunit == "days") ? one_day : (countunit == "months") ? one_month : one_year; decimals = (decimals <= 0) ? 1 : decimals * 10; if (rounding == "rounddown") { var days = Math.floor((today.getTime() - pastdate.getTime()) / (finalunit) * decimals) / decimals; days = Math.abs(days); //document.write(num + " " + countunit) var jjgjk = document.getElementById('iddays') document.getElementById('iddays').textContent = days; if(countunit == 'days') { var hours = Math.floor(((pastdate.getTime()-today.getTime())%(finalunit))/one_hour); //document.write(" " + hours + " " + "hours "); document.getElementById('idhours').textContent = hours; var minutes = Math.floor(((pastdate.getTime()-today.getTime())%(one_hour))/one_minute); //document.write(minutes + " " + "minutes "); document.getElementById('idminutes').textContent = minutes; var seconds = Math.floor(((pastdate.getTime()-today.getTime())%(one_minute))/one_second); //document.write(seconds + " " + "seconds"); document.getElementById('idseconds').textContent = seconds; } } } </script>
Then in the html body add the following to call the javascript and present the data.
Time to release date: Star Wars The Old Republic 26/11/2010 or <span id="iddays">boo</span> days
<span id="idhours"></span> hours <span id="idminutes"></span> minutes <span id="idseconds"></span><br/> <script>updated()</script>